transfer 18(2) » PR / Werbung

Is corporate social media entertaining? Hedonic and nonhedonic approaches to the entertainingness of corporate Facebook fanpages

Ist Corporate Social Media unterhaltsam? Hedonische und non-hedonische Ansätze zur Unterhaltsamkeit von Unternehmenswebseiten in Facebook

Corporations are nowadays an integral part of new media and reach a large audience. What is the motivation of people to “follow” a corporate medium on the Internet? This thesis attempts to answer this question under consideration of newer findings in entertainment research by focusing on hedonic and nonhedonic theories. Besides a discussion of the term corporate social media, hedonic and nonhedonic entertainment theories are presented. Subsequently, selected theories are examined in regard to their applicability and explanatory value for corporate social media by applying them to corporate fanpages in the social network Facebook. Those selected theories are the hedonic theories of Mood Management and Entertainment as Playful Action and the nonhedonic Self-Determination Theory. Afterwards, an integrated model of entertainment in corporate Facebook fanpages is presented. The model illustrates the processes that may occur during consumption of these websites in a simplified and summarizing nature. In conclusion, it may be said that hedonic and nonhedonic theories are applicable to entertainment in corporate social media and provide explanatory value. It is also assumed that hedonic and nonhedonic processes influence the entertainment experience dually.